taking care
Concerns and complaints
We take your welfare seriously. If anything that you experience or witness at any event in or run by the Glasgow Buddhist Centre concerns you, please let us know. This goes for any events run by us elsewhere.
You can do this initially with the event or class team members leading the event or class. They will ensure your concern is addressed immediately if possible. If it is not within their power to resolve the issue then they will pass your concern to the appropriate person within the Glasgow Buddhist Centre supported team.
This team is responsible for the day to day working of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre on behalf of the charity. We will always seek to understand what you are saying to us and respond appropriately.
If you do not find the response you receive satisfactory you may request the matter is raised as a complaint before the trustees of the charity that over-sees the governance of Glasgow Buddhist Centre. This should be done in writing to the Council. A complaint raised in this way will always be acknowledged and you will receive a response in writing.
If you are concerned about the behaviour of any event or class team member or indeed any Glasgow Buddhist Centre team member then please contact our protection officers directly.
The Glasgow Buddhist Centre has adopted policies on the protection of vulnerable adults and the protection of children visiting our centre. Our protection officers are independent of both the Trustees council and Centre Team. Our Protection officer is Carunalaka and she is directly contactable via email.
A summary of our Vulnerable Adult Protection policy and Child Protection policy are available to view.