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COP26 Social Action opportunities


The Social Action Kula are excited to be engaging with local nonviolent action and other in-person and virtual activities for COP26 (UN Conference of Parties 26) in partnership with Interfaith Scotland, various faith pilgrims, Green Faith International representative organisations in UK (Faith for the Climate and their COP initiative Make COP Count), as well as the UK-based COP26 Coalition.

Check out dates for online and in person opportunities here.


Glasgow will be home to >100 indigenous American elders and delegates of the La Minga people for 3 weeks. Pollokshields bowling green are taking food donations (specific items) and the La Minga themselves are still looking for some accommodation. If you can offer food and/or a bed or futon, even for just one evening, this would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to let us know your conditions (eg if you’re working from home, you may wish to have your home to yourself in working hours). All enquiries to Angela at Thank you! More information about monetary donations for the food programme when we have it.

Human Hotel

You can also still sign up to the COP26 Coalition's Homestay Network to offer much-needed accommodation to visitors.

Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration for COP26

We are asking world leaders and politicians at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow to:

  • commit to the agreements made at the Paris Summit in 2015

  • commit to working together to ensure the continuation of life on earth

  • commit to climate justice for all

  • listen to the voices of ordinary people everywhere who are crying out for real, visionary, and immediate climate action.

Sign the declaration here.

Regenerative activity - opportunities to participate throughout COP

The Regenerative Action Cycle is based on the observation of natural cycles, as well as teachings from many regenerative and indigenous cultures around the world. It draws out ways we can follow these cycles in our human activities to foster connection and regeneration within ourselves, within our communities and in our relationship with the other-than-human communities we are part of. During COP there will be daily regenerative support activities that anyone is welcome to join as a participant, *or to offer support to run a meditation, body based work or other regenerative ideas*. Please contact SAK for more details of how to get involved.


Also, anyone interested in helping flyer for the Vigils &/or March, contact Angela at SAK.


If anyone can help make the GBC banner portable (it’s currently poleless!), let us know! Also, any new GBC/Buddhist/Climate justice banners for the Pilgrims Procession on 30 Oct and/or the Coalition March on 6 Nov would be fantastic! Or even just offers of help... Contact SAK

Other great stuff!

All through COP there will be exciting arts, culture and other civil society-led events for the public. Please check these out on the Climate Fringe Website and COP26 Coalition Events

And if you like a document, the above information is also in a downloadable document for printing or saving to look at offline.



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